Saint Joan of Arc (Jeanne la Pucelle): Difference between revisions

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A few years before at that village, Domrémy, a thirteen year old girl named Joan began to experience divine voices and visions. The Voices instructed her to lead a good Christian life and, later on, to "go to France" to save save the country and crown its King. In late 1428, Joan's Voices became urgent, telling her "it was necessary for me to come into France" and relieve the city of Orleans from the English siege. <ref>Murray, p. 10</ref>That urgency, she told a local French commander in early 1429 was because,<ref name=":1" /><blockquote>To-day the gentle Dauphin hath had great hurt near the town of Orleans, and yet greater will he have if you do not soon send me to him.</blockquote>
A few years before at that village, Domrémy, a thirteen year old girl named Joan began to experience divine voices and visions. The Voices instructed her to lead a good Christian life and, later on, to "go to France" to save save the country and crown its King. In late 1428, Joan's Voices became urgent, telling her "it was necessary for me to come into France" and relieve the city of Orleans from the English siege. <ref>Murray, p. 10</ref>That urgency, she told a local French commander in early 1429 was because,<ref name=":1" /><blockquote>To-day the gentle Dauphin hath had great hurt near the town of Orleans, and yet greater will he have if you do not soon send me to him.</blockquote>

== Armagnacs v Burgundians ==
== A family affair: Armagnacs v Burgundians ==
[[File:Carte_du_royaume_de_France_pendant_la_mission_de_Jeanne_d'Arc_1429-1430.jpg|left|thumb|<small>France during the mission of Jeanne d'Arc 1429-1430. French Royal lands are in orange-red and English held territory in yellow-green. The un-colored areas are independent duchies that gave their allegiance to one or the other. he Holy Roman Empire is to the east.</small> ]]  
[[File:Carte_du_royaume_de_France_pendant_la_mission_de_Jeanne_d'Arc_1429-1430.jpg|left|thumb|<small>France during the mission of Jeanne d'Arc 1429-1430. French Royal lands are in orange-red and English held territory in yellow-green. The un-colored areas are independent duchies that gave their allegiance to one or the other. he Holy Roman Empire is to the east.</small> ]]