Saint Joan of Arc (Jeanne la Pucelle): Difference between revisions

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<blockquote>I wish you could get a copy of this book at Poitiers, if it please God.<ref>The Poitiers Register disappeared, likely destroyed by her enemies at the Court of Charles VII, most likely by the Archbishop of Reims who turned against her after Charles' coronation.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>I wish you could get a copy of this book at Poitiers, if it please God.<ref>The Poitiers Register disappeared, likely destroyed by her enemies at the Court of Charles VII, most likely by the Archbishop of Reims who turned against her after Charles' coronation.</ref></blockquote>

Thus hers statement here was a declaratory, not deferral: just go look at the book! Ironically, it is entirely possible that the Rouen court had actually acquired a a copy of, seen, or at a minimum learned of it in detail of the Poitiers Register, as its custodian, gnault de Chartresth, chbishop of Rouen, along with the Charles VII's chief Minister, de la Tremouïlle,  
Thus hers statement here was declaratory, not deferral: ''just go look at the book!'' Ironically, it is entirely possible that the Rouen court had actually acquired a copy, seen one, or at a minimum learned of it in detail, as its custodian, Regnault de Chartres, Archbishop of Rouen, along with the Charles VII's chief Minister,Georges de La Trémoïlle, had negotiated extensively for two years with the Burgundians and the English, and Joan was an ever-present friction grinding away at their designs. I have no evidence of this possibility, but the occasion points strongly to it, and, both parties had the motive to share the Poitiers Register or its contents.  
ad negotiated extensively for two years with the Burgndians and the English, and Joan was an ever-present friction grinding away at their designs. I have no evidence of this possibility, but there the circumstantial evidence points strongly to it: both parties had the motive to share the Poitiers Register or its contents.

In her [[Joan of Arc letter to the English|letter to the King of England]], Joan stated,  
In her [[Joan of Arc letter to the English|letter to the King of England]], Joan stated,