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Popes and antipopes

From Rejoice in Saint Joan of Arc
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List of Popes and antipopes leading up to and around the time of Saint Joan of Arc

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Popes and antipopes flowchart

Victor III, Urban II
Opposed by Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV
antipope successors supported by
Holy Roman Emperor Henry V
more antipopes through 1138
ends Western Schism
GREGORY XI, 1370-1378
convinced by Saint Catherine of Sienna
to return Papacy to Rome
moved to Rome Sept 1376
URBAN V, 1362-1370
spent 1367-1370 at Rome
returned to Avignon 1370
'Babylon Captivity', 1305-1378
CLEMENT V, 1305-1314
Supported French King
first Avignon Pope
Clement's successor John XXII was not selected until l316
BENEDICT XI, 1303-1304
elected as least hostile to Philip IV of France
BONIFACE VIII, 1294-1303
opposed Philip IV of France
attacked in Italy by Philip
Antipope Innocent III, 1179-1180
ALEXANDER III, 1159-1181
Antipope Victor IV, 1159-1164
Gregory VIII, 1118-1121
Antipope Clement III, 1080-1100
engaged in 'Investiture Controversy'
against Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV
over power to appoint bishops, abbots and the Pope
Saint Gregory formalized priestly celibacy
he affirmed papal sovereignty
as well as to importantly affirm Christ's presence in the Eucharist
PASCHAL II, 1099-1118
faced continued challenges over investiture
GREGORY XII, 1406-1415
Antipope John XXIII, 1410-1415
claimed successor to Avignon antipope Benedict XIII
URBAN VI, 1378-1389
last Pope elected outside the College of Cardinals
Antipope Clement VII, 1378-1390 at Avignon
Antipope Clement VIII, 1423-1429
claimed successor of Avignon papacy
BONIFACE IX, 1389-1404
INNOCENT VII, 1404-1406
MARTIN V, 1417-1431
EUGENE IV, 1431-1447
NICOLAS V, 1447-1455
known as the 'Borgia Pope'
ruled on division of Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires

subgraph " " direction TB end

other/ todo

subgraph " " direction TB asdf-->JNXXII[JOHN XXII, 1316-1334] end

subgraph " " direction TB end

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