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14 March 2025
- 13:0613:06, 14 March 2025 Trial of Condemnation: the Sentence (hist | edit) [4,353 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "From Murray, pp. 132-134 == The Sentence == After her revocation and her abjuration had been, as has just been said, received by us, the Judges, We, the Bishop, did finally deliver our sentence in these terms : [Biographher note: The sentence then follows as given above up to the words " thy Trial," and then proceeds :] ... all that therein occurred, principally thine answers, thine avowals, and thine affirmations ; after having seen the most renowned decision of the...")
26 February 2025
- 02:2902:29, 26 February 2025 Joan of Arc letter to Troyes (hist | edit) [915 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Saint Joan of Arc letter to the town of Troyes, July 5, 1429 From Anatole France, Vol 1, p. 421<blockquote>To the lords and burgesses of the city of Troyes. This day do we expect the enemies of King Henry and the Duke of Burgundy who come to besiege us. In view of the design of these our foes and having considered the just cause we support and the aid of our princes promised unto us, we have resolved in council, no matter what may be the strength of our enemies, to con...") Tag: Visual edit
25 February 2025
- 23:5423:54, 25 February 2025 Joan of Arc letter to the Duke of Burgundy (hist | edit) [2,018 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Saint Joan of Arc's letter to the Duke of Burgundy, dated July 17, 1431 Translation from Anatole France, Vol 1, p. 457 High and greatly to be feared Prince, Duke of Burgundy, Jehanne the Maid, in the name of the King of Heaven, her rightful and liege lord, requires you and the King of France to make a good peace which shall long endure. Forgive one another heartily and entirely as becometh good Christians; an if it please you to make war, go ye against the Saracens. P...") Tag: Visual edit
8 February 2025
- 14:3614:36, 8 February 2025 Notes on readability and navigation (hist | edit) [2,882 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "How to use this website == About the website == === Website platform === This website is built on MediaWiki, a content-management system (CMS) that is the same platform used by Wikipedia * this site contains some Public Domain graphics hosted by Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons * the site is otherwise entirely unrelated to Wikipedia === Copyright === ''All content copyright 2024-2025 by Michael L. Bromley. All rights reserved.'' == Notes on page readability == === P...") Tag: Visual edit
5 February 2025
- 17:3017:30, 5 February 2025 Poitiers Conclusions (hist | edit) [4,135 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The “Poitiers Conclusions, March/April 1429''' ==The Poitiers Conclusions== The king, given his necessity and that of his Kingdom, and considering the continuous prayers of his poor people to God and to all others who love peace and justice, ought not to turn away nor reject the Maid who says she is sent by God for his succor, even though her promises consist only of human works; nor should he believe in her immediately or lightly. But following Holy Writ, he must t...") Tag: Visual edit
3 February 2025
- 23:4923:49, 3 February 2025 Drafts:Next (hist | edit) [37,056 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Text/ sections to add to main page") originally created as "Next"
31 January 2025
- 16:1916:19, 31 January 2025 Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain (hist | edit) [6,388 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''"Recollections of Joan of Arc"''' a is an historical-fiction biography of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain Few people know that Twain wrote a book about Joan of Arc. Even fewer know that it the work he was most proud of:<blockquote>I like ''Joan of Arc'' best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others n...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 16:1716:17, 31 January 2025 Saint Joan of Arc quotations (hist | edit) [9,397 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Quotes by and about Saint Joan of Arc A few Saint Joan of Arc and others' classic quotations, ordered chronologically, as best possible, and categorized by the general places in which hey were spoken. <sub>Back to Saint Joan of Arc main page</sub> > todo: * state of Grace * i will not look back to see who is following me == Vaucouleurs == Jean de Metz, Knight who accompanied Joan to Chinon to meet the Dauphin<ref>Jeanne D‘...")
- 16:1416:14, 31 January 2025 The Life of Joan of Arc by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel (hist | edit) [4,439 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''"La Vie de Jeanne d'Arc"''' ("The Life of Joan of Arc") by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel is a children's book published in 1896. <small>Here to return to main entry on Saint Joan of Arc</small> == Links == * Digitized 1896 edition here: [ Jeanne D'Arc par Boutet de Monvel] ( * English translation, abbreviated from the original French, available here: [htt...")
- 16:1216:12, 31 January 2025 Saint Joan of Arc glossary (hist | edit) [2,634 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Glossary of people, places, events and terms related to Saint Joan of Arc '''Glossary of terms regarding Saint Joan of Arc (Jeanne la Pucelle)''' <small>back to Saint Joan of Arc main page</small> Other resources: * Saint Joan of Arc Timeline * Kings of France and England * Popes & antipopes (to...")
- 16:1016:10, 31 January 2025 Saint Joan of Arc bibliography (hist | edit) [9,968 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Saint Joan of Arc Annotated Bibliography''' <small>Back to Joan of Arc main page</small> <nowiki>** page under construction ** <nowiki> == A word on Joan of Arc historiography == You will find in the below review of Mark Twain's biography of Joan mention that Twain has been accused of obsessing over little girls and thus his study of Joan of Arc is infatuation not art, a tainted, shall we say, yucky, take on he...")
- 16:0916:09, 31 January 2025 Saint Joan of Arc timeline (hist | edit) [22,529 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Timeline of the Saint Joan of Arc''' <small>Back to Saint Joan of Arc main page</small> == Summary of Joan's life == * Born in January 1412 in a rural village in northeastern France called Domrėmy * The ongoing Hundred Years War has been in a lull but will get busy in 1415 * However, animosity has grown between the French Houses of Burgundy and d'Orlėans, whose followers are called the "Armagnacs" * In 1415, the English u...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
30 January 2025
- 23:1923:19, 30 January 2025 Popes and antipopes (hist | edit) [3,113 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''List of Popes and antipopes leading up to and around the time of Saint Joan of Arc''' <small>Here to return to Saint Joan of Arc main page</small> Flowcharts may not show on mobile. Select "Desktop" view at bottom of page (footer) == Popes and antipopes flowchart == {{#mermaid:flowchart TB GRGXII-.->APJNXXIII[Antipope John XXIII, 1410-1415<br>claimed successor to Avignon antipope Benedict XIII] URVI -. WESTERN SCHISM .->...")
- 23:1723:17, 30 January 2025 Kings of France and England (hist | edit) [12,500 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (moving from rejoice) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
29 January 2025
- 15:4715:47, 29 January 2025 Joan of Arc letter to the English (hist | edit) [6,656 bytes] Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Jhesus Maria. Roy d'Angleterre, et vous duc de Bethfort qui vous dites regens le royaulme de France; Guillaume de Lapoula, conte de Suflort, Jehan sire de Thalebot, et vous Thomas, sire d'Escalles, qui vous dictes lieu- tenans dudit de Bethfort, faites rayson au roy du ciel de son sang royal (1); rendes à la Pucelle cy envoiëe de par Dieu le rov du ciel , les clefs de toutes les bonnes villes que vous a...") Tag: Visual edit